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The purpose of cleansing is to remove bacteria, makeup, and the dirt, sweat, and oil that build up on the skin each day. At least once a day, the skin needs to be cleaned with a formula that does not strip the skin of all it natural oils

Cleanser Options 

Familiarity with these options will allow you to make the right choice based on your skin condition and type. Look for ingredients like wheat germ oil, which cleans without stripping, and glycerin, which attacks moisture to the skin’s surface. 

Soap will deeply clean the skin and leave it feeling thoroughly cleansed and refreshed. Look for glycerin or cold cream soaps formulated specifically for the face. Glycerin created a moisture cushion on the skin and a soft feel. Soap is best for oily skin types. Do not use body or bath soap especially antibacterial soap. It will strip the skin and leave it feeling tight and dry. 

GEL CLEANSERS Typically foam or lather during use. These cleansers are formulated to dissolve oil buildup and fight blemish-causing bacteria without stripping the skin. They are best for oily or combination skin types that are prone to breakouts.   

CREAM CLEANSERS are lightweight, water-based formulas that clean without leaving residue.  These products contain oils and emollients along with cleansing ingredients and are recommended for normal to dry skin types. 

OIL CLEANSERS work best on the driest of skins. 

BALM CLEANSERS condition and moisturize the skin while cleansing. They leave a moisturizing cushion on the skin and are suitable for all skin types except oily. 

EXFOLIATING CLEANSERS sometimes contain alpha hydroxy acids, such as glycolic or salicylic acid and can be used several times a week to encourage cell turnover and dead skin     removal. These products are gentle enough for all skin types. Some exfoliating cleansers contain beads or grains that loosen dead surface skin cells. These manual exfoliants should be used twice a week in place of the daily cleanser. 

TREATMENT MASKS provide intensive supplements to the regular cleansing regimen. Oily and blemish prone skin with benefit from the application of a clay mask, which helps to draw out impurities, reduce blackheads, and dry up excess oil. Dry skin, or any skin type that’s been exposed to strong sun or wind, can be rejuvenated with a creamy hydrating mask. Masks containing cucumber, chamomile aloe, or calendula are naturally soothing and good for irritated skin.

For purchasing, visit below site.


Published by classicelegantbeauty.com

I am Ivy residing in US and I am here to share with you all my passion for beauty, art, makeup and skin care. I love blogging and connecting with you all. Here you can find various beauty interests and makeup tips and tricks along with skin care. Frequency about 2 posts per month

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